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Car Seat Cubs Car Seat FAQ
I recently did an extensive interview full of caregivers’ most frequent car seat questions. Check it out here!
For an overview of car seat stages, best practices and Alberta law, read this post.
For all the most important car seat information in a brochure format (printable), click here.
- Why should a caregiver meet with a car seat tech?
- How do I become a car seat tech?
- How do I find a Car Seat Tech near me?
- How do I choose the right car seat for my child and vehicle?
- What seats are recommended by car seat techs?
- What information do I need from my vehicle owner’s manual for car seat installation?
- Is my car seat safe to use?
- Is my child in the right seat for their age/size?
- How to I keep my child warm in their car seat in the winter?
- How do I adjust my child’s harness for rear-facing mode?
- How do I adjust my child’s harness for forward-facing mode?
- How do I check for movement to make sure my car seat is securely installed?
- What do I do with an expired or damaged car seat?
- Why do car seats expire?
- Why can’t I use a seat purchased in the USA in Canada?
- Why should my older child still be in a booster seat?
- How and why should I install a car seat on an airplane?
- How do I contact my car seat’s manufacturer? (For customer support, instruction manuals, etc.)
- What are the car seat laws in my province or territory?
How do I adjust my child’s harness for rear-facing mode?
How do I adjust my child’s harness for forward-facing mode?
How do I check for movement to make sure my car seat is installed securely?
What do I do with an expired or damaged car seat?
In Calgary, you can recycle a used or damaged car seat at KidSeat Recyclers for a $15 fee. A CPST may be able to use your seat (clean and in usable condition, even if the harness has been cut for insurance purposes), so you can reach out to a CPST near you.